Home Security Tag

Panic rooms used to be hidden in upscale homes, high-security buildings, banks, mega mansions, and mysterious historical buildings. However, increasing popularity and decreasing costs have meant that these products are moving away from luxuries for the elite and into the mainstream. As people look into...

Bulletproof windows are growing in popularity, especially considering the rise in crime in the US. According to statistics, there are 2.5 million burglaries annually in the US. Home invasions account for more than half of these burglaries. With the world rife with criminal activity it’s...

Movies inspire viewers in so many ways. From fashion to catch phrases and beyond, the list of ways that films impact everyday life is a long one.  As a company that specializes in secret doors, and was inspired to start building secret doors after seeing one...

The use of smart home technology is on the rise. From smart speakers to smart doorbells, thermostats, lighting control and whole-home automation, the trend of integrating smart technology is not only taking hold, it is expanding. In fact, industry statistics indicate that at least 63 million...

Panic rooms are designed to provide homeowners with a certain peace of mind, knowing family members will be protected in the event of an emergency or home intrusion. And they’re growing in popularity. What was once reserved for the ultra-wealthy — from CEOs to politicians to...

The Right Security Door Security means different things to different people. Where some families only feel secure with a state-of-the-art security system and a guard house, others feel totally protected by a family dog that won’t let anything unfamiliar go unnoticed.  Somewhere along that home security spectrum...

The best hiding spots are the ones that go unnoticed. Everyone remembers that from their youthful, hide-and-seek days. And when it comes to home security concerns as adults, a similar mantra applies.  Secret doors that seamlessly blend into a home’s design and decor can truly go...

Homeowners need or want secret doors and hidden passageways for their own unique reasons. Some are designed and installed to shore up security while others are for pure entertainment. From the switches to the appearance to the access panel to what’s behind it, secret doors...

Noise can be a profound distraction, as many professionals learned throughout the height of the work-from-home season of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dogs barking, kids rough-housing, and doorbells ringing became a consistent presence of online meetings, leaving many to wish for a soundproof space. But, the actual...

Bookshelves require dusting. Silver requires polishing. Floors require mopping. Regular cleaning and upkeep is part of being a homeowner, or at the very least, an adult.  So, when a secret door comes into the picture, it’s a fair expectation that an investment in upkeep and maintenance...

Support Sustainable Living Sustainability has become a priority for consumers. In fact, a recent survey found that 78% of American consumers value and prioritize a sustainable lifestyle. To achieve that, consumers are making choices that reduce their impact on the planet, from being particular about packaging...

Hidden doors are fixtures for most homeowners. Even though they’re hidden, they’re a point of pride due to their novelty and their secrecy.  Knowing that, it’s easy to understand why choosing from the wide variety of options available for hidden doors is an important decision. A...

As surprising as it may sound, the demand for panic rooms is on the rise. And those who are fueling it are ordinary people, no longer exclusively the ultra wealthy or those affiliated with professions that put them at risk. In fact, a recent story published...

Hidden doors, very often, conceal something of value for homeowners. From high-profile collections to exquisite jewels to a safe, secure outpost — the investment a homeowner makes in a hidden door is only wasted if the quality of the door doesn’t measure up to its...

Secret doors have a certain novelty all on their own. Not everyone has one, each one can be different and only the owner knows how to access it — unless he or she has let the cat out of the bag.  Accessing or “unlocking” a secret...

The beauty of a secret door is its design. In order to remain effectively hidden, a secret door must blend in with its surroundings and — we think — be integrated into a decor or design element that a room would realistically include. Put simply, the...