Secret Passage Tag

The Allure of Speakeasy Doors and How to Create One at Home Giving your home or business a historical look can make your design more attractive. How can you take your architecture to the early 20th century? Speakeasies were a staple during the Prohibition to drink...

Movies inspire viewers in so many ways. From fashion to catch phrases and beyond, the list of ways that films impact everyday life is a long one.  As a company that specializes in secret doors, and was inspired to start building secret doors after seeing one...

Homeowners need or want secret doors and hidden passageways for their own unique reasons. Some are designed and installed to shore up security while others are for pure entertainment. From the switches to the appearance to the access panel to what’s behind it, secret doors...

Hidden doors are fixtures for most homeowners. Even though they’re hidden, they’re a point of pride due to their novelty and their secrecy.  Knowing that, it’s easy to understand why choosing from the wide variety of options available for hidden doors is an important decision. A...

As surprising as it may sound, the demand for panic rooms is on the rise. And those who are fueling it are ordinary people, no longer exclusively the ultra wealthy or those affiliated with professions that put them at risk. In fact, a recent story published...

The beauty of a secret door is its design. In order to remain effectively hidden, a secret door must blend in with its surroundings and — we think — be integrated into a decor or design element that a room would realistically include. Put simply, the...