Hidden Passageway Tag

It’s no secret that hidden doors are gaining popularity. There are countless clever ways to create a passageway to a secret room, but achieving a truly discreet portal requires meticulous craftsmanship and effort. The mechanical systems necessary for automated concealed doors are both heavy duty...

Secret doors are so popular that they’ve become a social media trend for homeowners who want to take their interior design creativity to a new level. Personalizing your home is exciting and Instagram-worthy, so homeowners are getting more creative with their renovation projects by making...

Panic rooms used to be hidden in upscale homes, high-security buildings, banks, mega mansions, and mysterious historical buildings. However, increasing popularity and decreasing costs have meant that these products are moving away from luxuries for the elite and into the mainstream. As people look into...

Movies inspire viewers in so many ways. From fashion to catch phrases and beyond, the list of ways that films impact everyday life is a long one.  As a company that specializes in secret doors, and was inspired to start building secret doors after seeing one...

A home’s layout and architectural design is what gives it its footprint, its function and its overall feel. Home design trends in recent years have included open layouts that flow from room to room, multifunctional spaces that work for a variety of purposes, and transitional...

Inspiration for secret rooms and hidden passageways is in great supply, especially when referencing Hollywood. From James Bond to The Matrix to Batman, Captain America, The Goonies, Indiana Jones and beyond, there is no shortage of cinematic examples from which to draw concepts for smaller...

The idea for hidden passages isn’t a new one. While modern passageways have a contemporary flair, thanks to advancements in technology and design, the concept has been around for thousands of years.  Consider the secret passages below the famed Colosseum in Rome, the secret tunnels hidden...

Noise can be a profound distraction, as many professionals learned throughout the height of the work-from-home season of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dogs barking, kids rough-housing, and doorbells ringing became a consistent presence of online meetings, leaving many to wish for a soundproof space. But, the actual...

Hidden doors are fixtures for most homeowners. Even though they’re hidden, they’re a point of pride due to their novelty and their secrecy.  Knowing that, it’s easy to understand why choosing from the wide variety of options available for hidden doors is an important decision. A...

The whole concept for Creative Home Engineering began with an idea and a sense of curiosity. To be specific, a rotating fireplace in an Indiana Jones movie inspired the idea for the company, and that sense of curiosity has acted as a common denominator for...